Calculus of Finite Differences
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G.Lejeune Dirichlet's Werke
L Kronecker
Saunders Mac Lane and 1 more
Elementary Number Theory
Edmund Landau
Principles of Mathematical Logic
David Hilbert and 3 more
G H Hardy
Basic Geometry: Manual For Teachers
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Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory
Set Theory and Metric Spaces
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Oscillation Matrices and Kernels and Small Vibrations of Mechanical Systems
The Number Systems
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Electromagnetic Theory, Part 2
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A Course in Ring Theory
Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics
The Theory of Probability
Stochastic Integrals
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Approximation of Functions
Comparison Theorems in Riemannian Geometry
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Generalized Functions. Volume 3 Theory of Differential Equations
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Generalized Functions. Volume 2 Spaces of Fundamental and Generalized Functions
Generalized Functions. Volume 4 Applications of Harmonic Analysis
Generalized Functions. Volume 6 Representation Theory and Automorphic Functions
I M Gelfand and 2 more
Generalized Functions. Volume 5 Integral Geometry and Representation Theory
Theory of Operator Spaces
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